What the Audience Brings:
Duct tape
We will make strange, hybrid, fantasy creatures out of scrap materials, cans, bottles, waste, and paint. We will make large creatures that the audience can interact with and move around. Some of the more dangerous creatures will be caged, while those with a more benevolent spirit will wander around. We will name them and post statistics about them.
Audience Interaction:
The audience will interact with the creatures we make and make creatures of their own to add to the menagerie of the Human Zoo.
1. Fabric (very large peices)
2. Nails, glue guns, duct tape
3. Chicken wite, wire cutters
4. Wood and tools
5. large quantites of throw away items, cheap things
the title is confusing as the animals are animals not humans. Still not sure what moves and who moves it and what cages are etc. The key to this one is that the critters need to be beautifully made.
"Human zoo" refers to the fact that all of the animals were originally, last year, made out of found objects and garbage. However, it wasn't as successful since often the found objects were rotting wood and knotted fishnet. Although these objects are crucial to the pod's uniqueness, we will also need more structurally sound and more numerous materials.
one that could be very successful is burlap. An awesoem elephant was made last year by covering it with this and it looked pretty cool.
The key to making the animals "beautifully made" will definitely have to do with the materials we use. Burlap can work well, as can plastic covering and large quantities of similar colored fabric (or perhaps not).
i just want to add that when i read the name and saw the drawing i thought the humans were going to be "caged" in the zoo and the animals would be watching us from the outside. i don't know if you think that's cool or not, but i thought it looked interesting.
JD, I like the flip of perspective. And it could be as simple as the orientation of the creatures. If all of the creatures were looking out toward the road or the campground it may give a sense that the people are the real spectacele.
If I recall, the "Human Zoo" came from the strangeness of that pod. It's just crazy back there. So "Zoo," as in an array of wild creatures.
I think the key to this pod is using as many materials as possible, as inventively as possible, and focusing on accumulating a large quantity of creatures.
Right now I think we're going to make two or three very very large creatures together than smaller creatures individually, perhaps making two a day. I very much like the idea of a human zoo, as in animals watching humans. We could brainstorm on the idea of changing the format of the pod.
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